Trail of Nand Kumar (1775): The Judicial Murder

 Trail of Nand Kumar (1775): The Judicial Murder

The trail of Raja Nand kumar was the first decisive event during the early stage of the growing bitterness between the Supreme Court and the council . The case of Nandkumar stands in a class by itself . It brings out the conflict between Warren Hastings and the majority in the council , on the other hand , and the between the court and the majority , on the other , its special significance lies in the fact that the judges of the Supreme Court introduced English principles of law and procedure into India , laws which were unknown to Indians before .
Nand kumar was the prolege of the majority in the council and his trail before the Supreme Court thus became in a way a trail of Strength between the Court and the majority . This case illustrates forcefully the anomalous character of the first impact of the English law on the Indians and depicts what kind of difficulties arise when a foreign system of law transplanted suddenly in a society and is enforced with all its rigors .
The Supreme Court at Calcutta though established with the avowed object of protecting the Indians against the oppressive activities of servants of the company was not , however , an unmixed blessings to those Indians who fell within it’s purview . The court’s Jurisdiction , powers, laws and language all were foreign to the Indians and were completely out of harmony with their customs and traditions . With the insistence of the council , began a new era in the administration of justice in India . All the aspects of the matter were dramatically brought out in the Nandkumar case and the trail gained great historical importance as it formed an integral part of the charge on which Warren Hastings and Impey were impeached by the House of Commons after their return to England .

Events and Position of Nandkumar in the Company before the trail

Raja Nand kumar an influential man in Bengal who was once the governor of Hugli under Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah in 1756 . He did his job towards the company in a loyal manner and that’s why he was named “Black Colonel” encouraged by the council majority Raja Nand kumar brought some charges of bribery and corruption against Governor General Warren Hastings in 1775 .

On 11th March 1775 , Nand kumar gave a letter containing complaints against Warren Hastings to Francis , a member of the Council . Francis presented the letter before the council , at it’s meeting , the same day . In his letter of complaints , Raja Nand kumar stated that in 1772 Warren Hastings , when he was Governor , accepted from him a sum of 1,04,105 for appointing Gurudas as Diwan and from Munni Begum a sum of 2,50,000 for appointing her guardian of the infant Nawab Mubarak-ud-Daulah. On 13th March 1775 , the council received another letter from Nand kumar . On the same day the council discussed the subjects –matter of the complaint . In his second letter Raja Nandkmar offered to produce vouchers supporting his charges of bribery against Warren Hastings . In the council meeting Monson moved a motion to call Nand kumar before it . Warren Hastings , who was  presiding at the meeting as Governor General opposed this motion , he was very much annoyed at this , he even left the council meeting when these charges were being heard . A few days later , Mohun Pershad field certain charges of forgery against Nandkumar in the Supreme Court . Nand kumar was tried by the Court with the help of a jury .
Warren Hastings left the meeting and dissolved the meeting of the council and left his seat . The majority of the members in the council expressed the view the Governor General Warren Hastings was not empowered to dissolve the meeting of the Council .
Later in the place of Warren Hastings the council elected Clavering to occupy the presiding seat at the meeting . According to Monoson’s motion Raja Nand kumar was called before the Council to prove his changes , Raja Nand kumar produced a

letter in Persian , which was written by Munni Begum to him . While examining Raja Nand kumar , the members of the council asked a leading questions , 

" was he ever approached by Warren Hastings of his men for the letter of Munni Begum ? ”In his reply , Raja Nand kumar disclosed that Kanta Babu , Warren Hastings Bania came to him nearly four months ago to take this letter but the original letter was not given to him. "

Though Kanta Babu was also called by the council to appear before it , he avoided appearing at the instance of Warren Hastings .
The court by majority dismissed Raja Nandkumar and found that the charges levelled by him against Governor General Warren Hastings were true . They had held that Warren Hastings received a sum of 3,54,000 as bribe . By a resolution therefore , the council directed Warren Hastings to pay the same amount into the company’s treasury .

Main Fact of the Trail 

A few month later , Nandkumar was arrested with Fawkes and Radahcharan for conspiracy at the instance of the governor general and Brawell . He and Brawell , Hastings favorite members of the council , declared their intention before the judges of the Supreme Court to prosecute Nandkumar , the Fawkes and Radhacharan for conspiracy and this event made people think that with a relationship motive this step was being against Nandkumar to ruin and disgrace him .
The trail of Raja Nandkumar for conspiracy continued together with another trail of  his for forgery . In this conspiracy case , the Supreme Court delivered it’s  judgement in July 1775 . Fawkes was fired but judgment was reserved against Nandkumar on account of the forgery case .
Those who criticized the rule of Impey and Warren Hastings stated that somehow Hastings felt  that it would be difficult to involve Nandkumar in the conspiracy case and so they pooled another charger , namely , forgery against him and thus got rid of him under the provisions of English Act, 1729 . In 1775 , the case of forgery stand before the Supreme Court with respect to a bond or deed claimed as an acknowledgement of debt from Bulaki Das , the Banker and he said that the deed was executed by him in 1765 . On May 6 , 1775 a charge of forger brought by Mohan Prasad before the justice of the peace of Calcutta .

In Order to make fruitful end Le Maistre and Hyde acted as Magistrate heard and examined the evidence of the case till late at night . Being satisfied with the evidence of the prosecution witness , the Magistrates , ordered the sheriff and keeper of His Majesty’s prison at Calcutta to keep Nandkumar in safe custody he discharged in due course of law .
On 8th May ,1775 the chief justice and three whom the trail of Raja Nandkumar  began , on the basis of a bond which was given by Mohan Proshad to prosecute him. A member of 12 Jury , out of whom two were  Europeans and the rest were Europeans having resided in the town of  Calcutta  for a long time , Mophan Prashad engaged Durham as his counsel and Alexander Elliot acted as interpreter of the Court on the advice of Vansittart .
Withoout any adjournment for a period of eight days the trail  of Raja Nandkumar began on 8th June 1775 . The defense council first of all advanced a plea as to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court . The judges considered the plea unsupportable and allowed the defense counsel to withdraw it because of two reasons ,viz.

(i)                 According to the law as it existed at that time , if the plea as to the jurisdiction was decided against , the defendant would be precluded from pleading not guilty to the indictment .
(ii)               Farrer, the defense counsel also thought that if the judgment went against him, he might use this plea sometimes later by a motion to check the effect of the judgment .

Nandkumar therefore , pleaded not guilty and stated that his entire transactions with Bulaki were correct and genuine .

The  Court sat everyday at 8 a.m and the witnesses were examined till late at night . Due to the ignorance of the judges about Indian habits and the nature of the persons appearing as witnesses which caused delayed in some of the proceeding . As the documents , statements and accounts were written in different language , it had to translate into English for the judges who were ignorant of these mentioned language .
On this ground Busteed Stated –
How complicating and perplexing these must have seemed as well as the strange documentary exhibits which , like the accounts , were in diverse languages and which , with every word of the evidence had to be filtered to the understanding drop by drop through an interpreter . The judges cross-examined the defense witness in minute detail and thus carried out the plea that the kings ‘s counsel was incapable of doing if efficiently . It was really very surprising and created serious doubts and suspicions about the impartiality of the judges .

Final judgement
On 15th June 1775, the trail continued till the midnight to the morning . On 16th June in the morning , Impey CJ summed up the whole case . the judges gave unanimous verdict of  “guilty” and the Jury also declared their verdict of  “guilty” .rejecting all defenses pleas the chief justice passed the sentence of death on Nandkumar under an Act of British Parliament , which was passed in 1729.

Last measures to save Nandkumar

Various efforts were made to save Nandkumar from 16th June to 4 July . The defense counsel decided to take an appeal to the King -in-council  and petitioned the court to stay the execution of the sentence so long as the council’s decision was not known . The court rejected the petition. Efforts were also made to seek the assistance of the members of the counsel but all efforts proved in vain . Earlier in on 27th June , the Council received a letter from the Nawab recommending suspension of the sentence until the pleasure of His Majesty was known . The council forwarded this letter to the Supreme Court . No Action was taken on it .
Raja Nand kumar thus hanged on 5th August 1775 at 8 a.m. at Cooly Bazar near Fort William .

Two important question raised in the trail

Nandkumar case throws interesting light on the early notions entertained by the Supreme Court .

First , Weather Nandkumar was under the jurisdiction of the court ?

The Court held that the Statute of 1728 was applicable to the Presidency town. Now , weather an English Statute was applicable or not to a place depended on two factors :

(i) Weather or not it was Suitable to the conditions prevailing ;    
(ii) The date the English Law was introduced there . Objection regarding the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court over Nandkumar was based on the ground that before advent of the Supreme Court , the Indians in Bengal were tried by their own men in their own local criminal courts . In this case as the offence was committed before the advent of the Supreme Court Nandkumar could be tried only by Faujdari Adalats and not by the Supreme Court .

Regarding applicability of the Act of 1729 to India and the execution of  Nandkumar for forgery , there was a difference of opinion even amongst the Judges . Justice Chambers stated that the Act of 1729 was particularly adopted to the local policy of England where for reasons political as well as commercial ,it had been found necessary to guard against the Falsification of proper currency and  credit , by laws the most highly penal and that he thought the same reasons did not apply the then state of Bengal . Impey , Hyde Le Maiste regretted with chambers view . Impey CJ firm belief
First , that the statute of 1729 did apply to India , Second , that the English Criminal law in general and the statute of 1729 in particular had been administrated in India by English Courts that functioned before the advent of the Supreme Court . Third, the judges had no option to try forgery under any different law .
Impey therefore , argued that in 1726 king George I granted a Charter of Justice for the town of Calcutta and thereby introduced English Law . On the surrender of  that Charter , a new Charter of justice was granted by king George II in 1753 . It means that all criminal laws in force in England in 1753 became the laws of the town of Calcutta . Thus the statute of 1729 was extended to India by the Charter of 1753 as it was passed before this Charter .

Remark peculiar feature of the trail

Nandkumar trail always been looked with suspicion . The decision of the Supreme Court in the trail of Raja Nandkumar became a subject to great controversy  and  doubts were also expressed regarding certain peculiar features of the trail , viz.
  •         Charge preferred against Nandkumar was shortly after he had leveled charges against Hastings .
  •       Impey CJ was close friend of Hastings .
  •        Every Judges of the Supreme Court cross examined the defense witnesses due to which the whole defense of Nandkumar collapsed . It was also not legal according to the rules of procedure prevailing that time. 
Criticizing   the attitude of the judges , H.E busted wrote -
“ The desire of the judges was to broke down Nand kumar’s witness in particular the Chief justice’s  manner was bad throughout and that the summing up was unfavourable ”.
  •  After the trail , Nandkumar held guilty by the court , he filed an appeal before the Supreme Court for granting leave to appeal to the king-in-council but the application was rejected without any consideration .
  •  Nand kumar applied for mercy to his majesty but his case was not forwarded by the Supreme Court . The Supreme Court was empowered by the Charter of 1774  to reprieve and suspend such capital punishment and forward the matter for mercy to his majesty . Earlier in 1765 , a native named Radhacharan Mittre was tried in Calcutta for forgery under the statute made applicable to Nandkumar and death sentence was passed . “ A petition was sent to Governo Spencer from the native community of Calcutta requesting either a reversal of sentence or a respite pending an application to the throne ”. the prayer was granted and Radha Charan got a free pardon from the King .
  •  Nand Kumar committed the crime of forgery nearly about five years ago , much before the establishment of the Supreme Court . Nand Kumar was sentenced to death under the English statute of 1729 on a charge of forgery but this Act was not applicable to India because English Law was introduced into India in 1726 and not in 1753 .
  • Neither under Hindu law nor under Mohammdan Law forgery was regarded capital crime .


Many English historian expressed the view that Nand Kumar was tried and executed by Impey at the instance of Warren Hastings . “ Men will never agree” those who accuse Impey and Hastings allege that Hastings first tried ruin Nand Kumar on a conspiracy change , but after realizing that it did not implicate him directly he got him capitally indicated on a charge of forgery preferred ostensibly by Mohan Prasad .

By J.F.Stephen

J.F Stephan made a detailed study of the Nand Kumar case and Justifies the conduct of  both Impey and Hastings in the trail . He stated :

Mohan Prasad was the real substantial prosecutor of Nand kumar and that Hastings had nothing to do with the prosecution and that there was not any sort of conspiracy or understanding between Hastings and Impey in relation to Nandkumar or in relation to his trail on execution .


Macauly critically observes :

Impey acted unjustly in refusing to respite nand kumar . No rational man can doubt that he took this course in order to gratify Hastings .Hastings three or four , years later , described Impey as a man , to whose support he was at one time in debated for the safety of his fortune , honor and reputations ; these  strong words can refer only to the case of Nandkumar ; and they must mean that Impey hanged Nandkumar in ordered to support Hastings . It is , therefore , our deliberate opinion that Impey , sitting as a judge , put a man unjustly to death in order to serve a political purpose .


Criticising Stephen findings , Macauly said , The ostensible presecutor was a native . But it was then , and still is , the opinion of everybody – idiots and biographers excepted that Hastings was the real mover in the business . Beveridge changed Impey and Hastings with conspiracy on the Supposition that no attempt had been made to prosecute Nand kumar for forger before May 1775 . He claimed that in order to defeat Nand kumar charges , which were pending in the Council Suborned Mohan Prosad to prosecute him in the Supreme Court .
For holding the opinion that no conspiracy existed between Impey and Hastings ,Stephen states certain reasons . He points out that Nand kumar was tried by the whole court of four judges and not by Impey alone . Apart from judges , the jury of 12 members was also there . All these judges and jurors found Nand Kumar guilty . But Beveridge alleges that throughout the trail manifested and ardent wish and determined purpose to effect the prisoner’s ruin and execution and with this aim in view he summed up the evidence with, “ gross and scandalous partiality  ”.

The legality of Nand Kumar’s trail was questioned in the impeachment proceedings of Impey , before the House of Commons on the scope of the applicability of the Act of 1729 in India . During the debate on the impeachment motion , Sir Gilbert Elliot argued in detail that the law rendereing forgery a capital offence did not extended to India . Mill and beveridge held the same opinion . Even  Stephen appears to had doubt on the legality of the case being tried under the Act of 1729 . It also necessary to remember that Warren Hastings and Impey studied in Westminster and since then they were very close friends .

Conclusion :

Dr. Pandcy’s conclusions may be stated as follows , that there existed no conspiracy between Impey and Hastings to ruin Nand Kumar . The defense story was connected and Nand Kumar ‘s witnesses were perjurers . Impey and the judges found Nand Kumar guilty of forgery and legally executed him under the English Act , 1729 which was rightly introduced in India . It was not in furtherance of any political conspiracy that the judges refuse to respite Nand Kumar .

However , in conclusion we may say that the trail of Raja Nand Kumar has a great historical importance .

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